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Mara's Beauty Diary|Beauty and Fashion

Priva Perfect Care 2-in-1 Intimate Wash

Pampering our bodies is the best gift we ladies could give ourselves. It is best that we only use trusted products in keeping ourselves clean and fresh all day. Now, Priva by pH Care introduces their all new Perfect Care 2-in-1 Intimate Wash which is specially formulated to give extra special benefits that whiten the bikini area and firm the intimate skin so that we ladies won't have to worry.

It is formulated with glutathione that helps lighten dark skin areas. It also has collagen to help improve skin elasticity and firmness. And lastly, it has RevitaCool, a gentle cooling ingredient to keep you cool and refreshed every time you wash.

It's pH-balanced formulation gently cleanses and helps protect skin against itching and bad odors. It is clinically-tested by obstetrician-gynecologists to be effective and safe for everyday use.

Thank you Priva and Ms. Toni Gonzaga-Soriano for sharing these products for me to try, and of course, sending kisses and my special thanks to Ms. Marcie Linao!

Much love,

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